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pcMAINFRAME Express - Features

pcMAINFRAME Express - Features

bike pcMAINFRAME Express offers the features needed to meet your micro to mainframe transfer needs:

Fast Start Up

pcMAINFRAME Express lets you get started fast! On the PC, Express installs in minutes and is initialized with default processing options for immediate execution. On the mainframe, installation is uncomplicated; a simple library load, straightforward updates to VTAM tables and creation of JCL. Samples for typical transfers are included for fast startup.

Unattended PC Operation

The PC application runs unattended and is always ready to handle requests sent from the host. When running minimized, the user will be unaware that a transfer is in progress. The Express window can be opened at any time to check on progress, or the history log file may be viewed at any time to determine the outcome of completed transfers.

Flexible Transfer Control

A transfer session is started from a batch job running under VSE or MVS. The initiating job has complete control over the transfer through statements coded in a command file. The statements specified for an UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD let you define transfer files and their characteristics. Fixed, ASCII and binary (transparent) data formats can be specified for the PC. The host application supports sequential, VSAM, PDS and managed SAM file formats.

Statements defined in PCSCRIPTs are used to direct activity or check file status on the PC. Scripts can perform standard directory file operations, launch applications, obtain data from existing PC files and create new PC files. Sophisticated control flow facilities, variable field handling, string manipulation and relational condition processing are available if complex transfer criteria must be applied.

Conditional Execution

Transfers can be conditionally executed based on what was found on the PC, or on the status of a previously run transfer. Three different return codes are available for testing, MAXRC, LASTRC, and USERRC. These allow you to check for the highest transfer return code, the most recent transfer return code, or the last return code set during PCSCRIPT processing.

The SKIPIF and RUNIF parameters are used to specify the test condition to apply when determining if a transfer should be executed.

Logging and Audit Trail

A comprehensive Transfer Report is produced providing connect information, run times, transfer statistics and processing results. An audit trail file can be created in one of three different file formats - fixed record, comma delimited or display log. The audit trail file may be used to update a DB2 table or a VSAM file to provide online access to transfer status and history, it may be downloaded and imported to a PC database for query by a centralized support group, or it can be viewed directly by end users when status information is needed.

Speed and Reliability

pcMAINFRAME Express uses cfSOFTWARE's proven technology to build reliable, high performance communications on top of your existing network. No matter what the connection, Express uses sophisticated error detection and recovery mechanisms to ensure that data gets to its destination safely while using the underlying link to its fullest. Express then transparently applies state of the art compression alogorithms to further minimize transfer times.

Dialog Facility

DIALOG is a 3270 scripting and emulation tool that is provided as a value added feature to pcMAINFRAME Express customers. It is the GUI component of the script processing application that is invoked during host initiated PCSCRIPT processing.

This comprehensive application can be used as a terminal emulator or to run a script command file. Scripts can be used to automate such functions as navigating through VM and VTAM, keying repetitive data entry transactions, running PC applications, or performing PC file maintenance.